Vital and Shiatsu Massage : Deep Relaxation and Healing

One hour of this most natural massage associates the technique of the vital massage (activating and regenerating), with the shiatsu massage ( stimulating the faculties of auto healing and equilibration of the body ), of music therapy and aromatherapy.
The openness and the trust to the care given by the masseur helps the person to enter into the wonderful and subtle world of the super-conscious.
This sometimes leaves an unforgettable memory. After the massage it is common that  the person is receptive and experiences a greater sense of trust and a marvel for life.
To receive the greatest benefit of the session, I suggest that you take time for yourself before and even more important after the care.
Bruno massage technician in naturopathy

First commentaries :

·       Relaxing, felt “warm”, highly recommended! Oskari –Finland
·       “It is the best massage of my life!”. Thank you very much for your wonderful massage! What makes it so special, is your tenderness, combined with spirituality… I enjoyed it very much! Oksana – Lithuania
·       The touch of Bruno is very soft and sweet. The sensations goes increasing progressively in a way that the meeting happens. The touch on the feet made my head feel light and there was a point on the feet that resonated with my belly (N.B : this woman was pregnant at the time of the massage) and after the energy raised in my hands very strongly, as if I couldn’t leave them lying, this energy expanded to the fingers. When my head was massaged, I cannot explain  exactly what happened but it felt that all the room what suddenly enlightened, as if someone had completely opened the curtains . I felt like a channel where a lot of energy could flow and a fountain of light at the top of my head. After that I could rest alone connected inside with my baby, and I asked him or her (I didn’t knew the sex) what the baby would like to be called. Then she (!) answers me “Lucia”. I am very thankful to Bruno and I love him very much! Raffaela- Italia
·       Thank you so much for this wonderful relaxing interval at this festival. I feel deeply relaxed for the first time since I arrived. Many Thanks. Marti – United Kingdom
·       “I feel like a new woman” Sheila - United kingdom
·       Wonderful and healing touch, allowing for deep relaxation and healing. Wonderful experience. Stephanie -massage therapist in New Zealand
·       Very relaxing and soothing. Really enjoyed the massage and relaxation session. Nishma- United Kingdom
·       Thank you very much for the great massage and relaxation. We enjoyed very much your “healing” hands. Doris and Harald -Germany
·       Thank you, Bruno for a lovely massage. I have a sinus infection at the current time and your massage helped me get better quickly. Also, your healing hands and gentle, caring energy was very apparent. Kay, USA
·       "This massages are really not from this world" Paco, Spain

Contact : , tel: (0034) 618219126